Thomas Moulard

Humanoid Robotics, Computer Science

Robots, computer science and technology.

Research work

My research work deals with smart trajectory execution, robotics architecture design and integration for humanoids robots. They have been conducted from March 2009 to October 2012 under the supervision of Dr. Florent Lamiraux.


Other places where you can find about me:
Google Scholar, Microsoft Academics Research, Mendeley.

Research Projects and Software

Ohloh profile for thomas_moulard


July 2014 - Software Engineer at Google.
Themes: To be announced.
November 2012 -
June 2014
Post-Doctorate at AIST (Tsukuba, Japan) [2], JRL.
Themes: walking assistive device, exoskeleton, numerical optimization.
With: Eiichi Yoshida, Abderrahmane Kheddar.
October 2009 -
September 2012
PhD Candidate at LAAS-CNRS (Toulouse, France) [1], Gepetto team.
Themes: trajectory execution, robotics architecture, computer vision.
With: Florent Lamiraux, Olivier Stasse, Nicolas Mansard, Éric Marchand, Claire Dune, Nicolas Perrin, Duong Dang, Antonio El-Khoury, Léo Baudouin.
March 2009 - August 2009 Intern at AIST (Tsukuba, Japan) [2], JRL (UMI 3218/CRT).
Themes: numerical optimization, path planning.
With: Florent Lamiraux, Olivier Stasse, Pierre-Brice Wieber, François Keith, Karim Bouyarmane, Mehdi Benallegue, Nosan Kwak.
September 2008 -
August 2009
Master Student at MPRI (Paris, France) [3].
Themes: Mathematical logic, formal verification, functional programming, computer vision.
With (teached by): Jean-Paul Laumond, Gérard Huet.
March 2008 -
August 2008
Intern at iLab, USC (Los Angeles, California) [4].
Themes: Computer vision, computational neuroscience, robotics architecture. With: Laurent Itti.
September 2006 -
December 2007
Part-time R&D engineer at GOSTAI (Paris, France). Now part of the Aldebaran Robotics' galaxy.
Themes: programming language design and implementation, robotics architecture.
With: Jean-Christophe Baillie. Akim Demaille.
September 2003 -
August 2008
Student at EPITA (Paris, France) [5]. Worked part-time at LRDE [6] on Computer Science Research projects.
Themes: meta-programming, advanced C++, compilation, computer vision, programming language design.
With: Théo (Thierry Géraud), Akim Demaille.
Until Mars 2003 Student at Saint Jean-Baptiste de la Salle (Rouen, France).

[1] LAAS: Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systèmes
[2] AIST: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology / 産業技術総合研究所
[3] MPRI: Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique
[4] USC: University of Southern California
[5] EPITA: École pour l'Informatique et les Technologies Avancées
[6] LRDE: Laboratoire de Recherche et Développement de l'EPITA

Non-profit activities and hobbies

September 2010 -
October 2012
Student/Member of the ATMPJ, a non-profit organization promoting the japanese culture and exchange at Toulouse, France.
January 2001 -
December 2007
Former president of the Games Creators Network. Non-profit organization provided resources for non-professional game development (in french).
Themes: Community Manager, Communication, Webmaster, System administrator and web development (LAMP).

Media and Press

I have been involved in the following events, films or other vulgarization efforts.

Vivre avec les robots [fr] (IMDB) French documentary on robotics research and innovation.
Anatomy of a humanoid robot: practical lesson (Collège de France, Jean-Paul Laumond Technological Innovation - Liliane Bettencourt, 2011-2012) [fr] Robotics Lecture by Jean-Paul Laumond with demonstrations with the HRP-2 humanoid robot.
Festival du Jeu Vidéo 2007: conférence sur la création de jeux amateur [fr] Conference about indie game development.
Japan Expo 2006 [fr] French event around japanese culture and video games.
Interview with Programmez! Magazine [fr] Interview regarding indie game development and the Games Creators Network.


High interest for abroad pro. experiences and opportunities.

Contact me